- Marshall County Schools
- LINQ Connect
Child Nutrition
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LINQ Connect
Marshall County Child Nutrition Program is utilizing a new system and parent portal where you can view menus and put money on a student's cafeteria account for extra items. One breakfast and one lunch meal is available at NO COST to all students each school day. Menus will also continue to be posted at www.marshallk12.org. Marshall County School System is no longer using the old system and you are now unable to make payments with your old account. Existing balances from the 2022-2023 school year have been transferred.
To continue making meal payments, please create a new account at www.linqconnect.com. Click on "REGISTER" to create a new account. You will need the following information to successfully link your student(s) to your account.
First Name: As registered with the school
Last Name: As registered with the school
Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YYYY)
For further questions, please call Marshall County School System's Child Nutrition Program office at 256-582-7385 or the support line for LINQ Connect at 916-467-4700 option 2.
Casey Partain, RD, LD, SNS
Marshall County School System Child Nutrition Program Supervisor